Our Story
In recent years, Hudson has seen a significant boom in real estate; during the pandemic, Hudson saw the largest proportional influx of new residents of any city in the country. This influx has not benefited everyone, but has instead contributed to the displacement of low-income residents and residents of color, escalating inequalities at the heart of our community.
The resulting boom in real estate has led to increased demand for local construction and other trades, but these work opportunities are often out-of-reach for many young people growing up in Hudson, particularly youth of color.
Build Hudson LLC, aims to provide both high quality carpentry to meet the needs of the building boom in Hudson and to train local young people, initially as apprentices and eventually professional builders, project managers and contractors. A focus on green building methods and materials will help to develop a workforce for future “green infrastructure jobs.”
Build Hudson is not just a job training, workforce opportunity, but also an organization that aims to engage, mentor and employ young people, giving special attention to those who have struggled in school throughout the pandemic and are currently either involved in or at risk of being involved in gang activity and violence. We strive to help provide the opportunities to our apprentices that may otherwise be in-accessible for those who are seeking meaningful and gainful employment.
Our organization prioritizes outreaching to youth experiencing barriers in school and in society, including those who are court-involved, and those who may benefit from hands-on engagement and individualized mentorship and coaching.
The apprentices are paid living wages and can choose to eventually “graduate” to partners and cooperative owners of the business. Training in management and business skills are available to round out the competencies of participants. Employee equity, progressive pay schedules, and tool investment programs for workers are just a few of the alternative models being investigated.
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